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  • Writer's pictureCad Sparks


You don't need to manifest every single idea.

Remember when you were a child and you simply appreciated creativity for what it is? No yearning, no striving. Just happy to imagine.

The compulsory need to manifest all the time isn't natural. It's a machine-like mindset originated from capitalism.

The idea that you must make money from what you like, but or else it has no worth. That you need to be well known otherwise your work is worthless and objectively bad.

That you need to manifest and live out every single aesthetic that your mind comes up with. Every fantasy, every idea.

No, you don't. You can rest.

The postmodern "law of attraction" community has created a monster.

People now have Napoleon complex. They refuse to work on themselves, so they try to force the external world to change instead. To match their delusions about themselves.

If you want something and it's not here, then try understanding why that is instead of constantly, mindlessly and compulsively trying to force your reality to change...When all that it's doing, is being a perfect reflection of your internal state. You're not dissatisfied with your life.

You're dissatisfied with the idea you have of your life.

The quality of thoughts you have about your current situation is what generates dissatisfaction, not the situation itself.

Let go of ideas of what your life should be, instead, open up for it to just be.

This creates actual space for true, inner, boundless and abiding satisfaction, that comes from being present in what is and living life, rather than compulsively thinking life.

The vacuity of the mind, when it is empty of expectation, can be felt in the body as a stream of cooling and soothing pleasure that doesn't get cut short by alteration of emotion that happens constantly.

Instead, you become like an old, majestic tree...The winds may blow, but you stand tall and strong, for your roots are firm and secure.

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