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  • Writer's pictureCad Sparks


Duality is simply an illusion and we could go on and on on this topic, but the simple understanding is: when you hex someone, you are hexing that part of yourself that is represented by the person (which is a very beneficial thing). If someone harmed you in *any* way, you are free to hex that person and although many dualistic and holier-than-thou people in the "new age" community will condemn you for it, they are much further from true integrity and honesty than people who hex are. They are stuck on the most basic level of any spiritual aspirant: duality/separation. It's great to hex people when you are free from impurities (illusions and false, ego-based perceptions of yourself and the Universe) because you know that you are in fact, hexing the impure and weak parts of yourself. You are not hexing by playing victim, but you are hexing in accordance to universal truth, which is the acceptance that whoever is harming you externally, is a reflection of something harmful internally. When you hex/curse someone, it is like giving them a knife. They can use it to cut the bread with it...But they can also use it to cut themselves. Now, if you hex in a dualistic, victim way, then you are not in accordance to universal truth and you will receive the wrathful energies you threw at the other person, back to you. When you ask goddess Kali, for example, to assist in a curse. She will not do anything "bad" to anyone, she will simply impose her powers, which relates to the energies of Mars, into you and whoever you are cursing. Now, if both of you are in integrity, both will experience the positive aspect of Kali (will power, freedom from limitations), if not, then, of course, you will experience the negative aspect (conflict, danger, etc). You are in fact helping people you curse, as well as yourself. Because everyone manifests their reality, it is what it is. No matter what you tell yourself, you dig your own grave at the end of the day. But if you are in integrity, curses are blessings, as energy simply is. If the experience is negative or positive, is simply a result of your own inner self. Everything is always a grand illusory representation of our own consciousness.

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