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  • Writer's pictureCad Sparks


Updated: Aug 29, 2021

Just like you cannot enjoy food by analyzing it's taste, only by sensing the taste, you also cannot fully embody your desires by simply thinking incessantly about them.

The act of visualization that is performed by the vast majority of people in this community rarely works (if you look at it objectively, as a whole by the millions of loa practitioners, and not by the 0.1% of people who share their stories online) because it is done primarily with the rational mind, which is limited.

People use the term "in your head" whenever they can't fully enjoy sexual experiences and rightfully so, for we cannot be present and embodied when we are 'in our heads'.

When visualizing what you desire, try being with your whole body, as you are when you experience an outrageously delicious ice cream and all you can do is simply indulge your sense in it. Instead of visualizing as you eat popcorn while watching a movie...It's just a distraction for your hands, but you're not truly enjoying the popcorn, 'cause your focus is on the movie.

Pay attention to how you feel when you experience your reality (not feel as emotions but as in your body) and try bringing that feeling of 'beingness' to your manifestation practices. Observe how you are, simply laying in your bed or doing some daily activity that is common to you.

This isn't a desire, it's your current reality, so to bring your desires into the now, you must embody it just as you unconsciously and automatically embody this already manifested reality of yours.

So instead of your visualizations draining energy away from you, they become energizing and increase your level of energy.

[ Venus shows us what area of reality we enjoy discharging our energy, with what we enjoy indulging our senses and how we do that.

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